Saturday, August 29, 2009

Training on 30/08/09

Greetings fellow players,

  I am here to inform you that there will be training this Sunday (30/08/09) at 05.00pm. We look forward to your participation. Till then, enjoy your day and take care !

Signing off, 

Friday, August 28, 2009


Hi to all,

Tml might have or might not have training due to the fact, i have a report to rush and alvin might be at beach, if you still want training, please tag in the board so i can make any arrangements.

I also like to share something that i have learn. Nobody is wrong or right because, everyone tries to make best choice available to them at the point when they make it and i believe every intention or decision made by a person is positive at that point of time. Nobody should say who is wrong or right as we are not in the person's shoes too. (Hope you guys can learn this, it can help you)

One more point, please wear cover shoes if not u will be kicked out from the court and stop littering in the cc, if not i will personally kick u out of the court.

sign off,


Friday, August 21, 2009

Training on 23/08/09

Greetings fellow players,

   I am here to inform you that there WILL be training at TBCC this coming Sunday (23/08/09), at 04.30pm. We look forward to your participation. Until then, enjoy your day !

Signing off, 

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Regarding TBCC's volleyball clinic ...

Greetings fellow players,

I would like to apologize for the unclear informations that were being posted regarding our TBCC's clinic. Therefore, I would like to clarify some uncertainties:

-There will be a volleyball clinic at TBCC which is open to ALL, interested personals please take note of the following points:

1. It STARTS at 4.30pm, do come down earlier if you desire to stretch or warm-up.

2. Participants are to follow through the training; that includes sticking with your assigned 'group', cheering for everyone and in assisting everyone in the picking of balls.

3. Our organizers are not official coaches, however, they are relatively more experienced and are kind enough to make time to give us some guidance/training.

4. Due to the fact that our organizers also have they're own personal lives, there are days/weeks in which there won't be any training. Do check-back on our blog for the latest updates.

5. The objective(s) of the clinic is to teach/guide/enrich everyones' skills and knowledge of the game.

6. Your feedback of the training will be greatly appreciated by our organizers. This will allow us all to improve together.

7. Ultimately, enjoy yourself and have fun learning/training.

Signing off,


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

lost balls

Ahem Ahem...

From now on, Chee Hao, Ray and Yaya will be taking over this blog. Haha...let them write more about TBCC Vb...

Apparently, there are balls missing in tbcc. What we left are 6 balls, if anymore balls are lost again, i will collect funds $0.50 weekly from you guys. What I hope is that, everyone is responsible in playing ie. taking care of the equipments and clearing rubbish. We are not paying for the court fee at all. Please understand.

sign off,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

cyber attack?

Hey guys,

I do not know what happened as lately i was not able to post picture but all the icons are back for my macbook expect my desktop....weird..

I am here to so-called inform that to those who like to learn more volleyball skills (basic) not super advanced though. We will be having free class but it is going to be an hour and it starts at 4.30pm.

There are several rule and regulations if you like to join.

1) Be on time, every minutes count. If 4.30pm starts meaning, 4.30pm, everyone ready and warmed-up. Not taking your own sweet time to stroll n walk like orchard road.

2) Have a positive attitude, no matter how hard the trg is. Never show temper

3) Respect to those who are willing to teach you and listen to their advices even it is a scolding.

These rules are the most basic. Hence, is anyone still ok with it?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

national day

Hey folks, sorry...for the past 1 week that has no entry because apparently, the posting of picture and video icon is i have no choice but to put some boring words. Hope you guys don mind.

Tml is National Day, lets wish Singapore a 44th Happy Birthday. Tiong Bahru CC will not open tml as it is consider Public Holiday. Sorry for the late notice as I forget that there are newcomers that do not know that when there is a PH on sunday, we will be closed for the day. =)

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you~

Have a good weekend, byebye.... 7-up