Sunday, January 10, 2010

touched my heart

I took from someone (Unknown) Been at Tiong Bahru CC volleyball for 8years.

This is not just a place for people to play volleyball, it is a place where friendships are made, brotherhood are forged, reunion of long lost friends. A place for people to pick up a sport that they never thought they would ever be playing and to many of the working adults, this is also a place whereby they can engaged in a healthy activity with friends to refreshed themselves before heading back to work for the new week. Last but not least, a place for everyone to express their love for the sport regardless of

It is not about the amount of time we spend playing week in week out anymore, it is about the people whom we spend our time with playing week in week out at Tiong Bahru Community Center, where for the majority of us, we call it home to our volleyball activities.

**To all, these are somethings that I like at the end of day you guys feel, give me some time to set the pace right for everyone. Thanks.

Sign off,

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